
July 2017: Jessica successfully defends her MS thesis! Congratulations Jessica!!

Mac departs to begin a PhD at UC Boulder. Congrats Mac!

Sarah sets off for China!

January/February 2017: Sarah wins 2nd place in the Soil Science Society of North Carolina student presentation competition! Way to go Sarah!

See our new papers, led by members of the Duckworth group, here and here. And here’s a press release. Way to go Tyler and Owen!

October/November 2016: We welcome Sarah and Markus to the lab!

John, Liz, Lily, Audrey and Matt all present their research at SSSA.

See Matt’s article about the Geoscience Congressional Visits Day in CSA News.

August/September 2016: We welcome Mac and Maia to the lab! We will miss Audrey, Lily, and Iris!

See our new papers in ES&T and ESPI!

Matt is named an Emerging Investigator by Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.

July 2016: See our new paper about Cambodia water quality here, and read the writeup about it in the Cambodia Daily!

We welcome Lily Schacht and Iris Holzer to the lab!

February 2016: Liz and Audrey just returned home from another trip to Cambodia. Stay tuned for a new blog post!

August 2015: It’s the start of a new school year! This summer was extremely busy and productive and we were sad to see Helen, Erika, and Loïc go!

July 2015: Helen, Loïc, Erika, and Alyssa are new undergraduates working in the lab for the summer. Welcome everyone!

May 2015: Audrey wins the CALS Safety Award. Congrats, Audrey!

March 2015: See our new papers in Current Pollution Reports and Journal of Environmental Management

See the CALS Perspectives writeup of our work with the Duckworth group

Liz attends SSSA’s Congressional Visits Day in Washington DC.

We are currently accepting applications for a new PhD student. Please e-mail Matt for more information.

January 2015: Liz wins award for the Furture Leaders in Soil Science from the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). Congratulations, Liz!

The North Carolina Soil Science Society meeting was held from Jan. 20-21 at NC State. Audrey and Allison presented posters with Allison winning 3rd place. Congratulations, Allison!

Matt and Liz went to Cambodia to collect sediment and surface water samples. Check out their experience on the blog.

November 2014: Liz presents at the SSSA meeting and wins 3rd place in the Soil Chemistry student presentation competition!

October 2014: See our new paper in Ecological Engineering

September 2014: See our JoVE video here!

See the profile of Matt in Soil Horizons!

June 2014: Congratulations to DJ for successfully defending his MS thesis!

May 2014: Allison and Christine graduate and along the way complete the the first Honor’s Theses in the Environmental Science program! Way to go!

April 2014: Congrats to Allison and Christine for presenting at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium! See pictures on the blog.

Matt bcomes Chair-Elect of the SSSA Soils and Environmental Quality Division.

Our work is highlighted on SSSA’s Soil Sightings page!

March 2014: Congrats to Liz for her poster award at the 2014 NC Water Resources Research Institute annual meeting!

Congrats to DJ for receiving the 2014 Outstanding M.S. Student award from the Weed Science Society of North Carolina!

See SSSA’s writeup of our recent Bangladesh work here!

February 2014: Congrats to Liz for receiving the H.H. Bennett Soil and Water Conservation Society Scholarship!

Congrats to DJ for his poster award at the Southern Weed Science Society annual meeting!

We welcome Dr. Nelson Rivera to the group!

January 2014: Matt and Audrey had their paper published in the Journal of Environmental Quality. You can check it out here.

October 2013: Liz and Matt present at the NC Onsite Water Protection Conference.

September 2013: Our Urban Gardens Factsheet wins Extension Education awards from the American Society for Horticultural Science and the American Society of Agronomy!

July 2013: We are accepting applications for new PhD students to study arsenic cycling in Cambodia. Ideal start date is January 2014, but later dates are also possible. Please contact Matt Polizzotto with interest.

Also, Ethan completes his Master’s degree. Congratulations Ethan!

June 2013: We would like to welcome our new undergraduate research assistants Allison, Christine, and Cory to the lab!

Also, see our new paper in Environmental Pollution.

May 2013: See EHP’s description of our work here.

Also, our group was featured in the department’s Soil Science Solutions magazine. Check it out!

April 2013: See our new paper in Environmental Health Perspectives here!

March 2013: We’d like to congratulate DJ on his best overall poster at the Weed Science Meeting of North Carolina in Raleigh.

February 2013: We’d like to welcome new students Jessica and Kris to the lab!

Also, we’d like to congratulate Audrey on her best overall poster at the Soil Science Society Meeting of North Carolina in Raleigh.

December 2012: Matt and Ethan are off to Bangladesh. Make sure to check out the lab blog for updates on their trip.

November 2012: Ethan wins the SSSA Soils and Environmental Quality Graduate Student Travel Award to support his research and a presentation at the recent annual meeting in Cincinnati.  Congratulations Ethan!

Adam Steurer joins the group as an undergraduate research assistant.  Welcome Adam!

October 2012: Matt, Audrey and Liz are off to Cambodia! Make sure to check out the lab blog to find out more about their trip.

August 2012: Liz Gillispie and DJ Mahoney join the group as MS students, while Fatemeh Mohammadshirazi joins as a Research Assistant. Welcome, Liz, DJ, and Fatemeh!

Also, Stephanie has joined the staff at BASF in the Research Triangle. Congratulations!

June 2012: Taylor Barto joins the group as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome, Taylor!

Audrey and Sarah Seehaver from the Grossman lab just returned from their trip to Cambodia. To learn more about their trip, check out the lab blog here.

March 2012: Congratulations to Ethan for his 3rd place poster at NCSU’s Graduate Student Research Symposium!

February 2012: See our Fact Sheet on the risks of soil contaminants in urban gardens.

January 2012: Stephanie Haines joins the group. Welcome, Stephanie!

December 2011: Time for more field work! Matt and Ethan are on their way to Bangladesh to sample.

November 2011: Matt and Audrey are on their way to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to sample.

September 2011: Laura Moses joins the group as an Undergraduate Research Assistant.  Welcome Laura!

August 2011: Ethan Lineberger joins the group as a MS student.  Welcome Ethan!

May 2011: Elsevier has awarded our 2006 Chemical Geology paper as a Most Cited Article, 2005 to 2010. abstract

May 2011: We would like to welcome Dr. Audrey Matteson who has joined the lab as a research specialist.